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5 Vital Questions To Ask When Evaluating if a SaaS Implementation Management Solution Is Right for Your Team

August 11, 2023

In a competitive business landscape, where efficiency and customer satisfaction reign supreme, staying ahead of the curve is essential. Enter the SaaS implementation management solution – a new, purpose-built class of project management technology that promises to streamline operations and enhance customer experiences during this critical phase of the customer journey. 

However, before you plunge headfirst into adopting a new transformative tool, a thoughtful evaluation is in order. After all, making the right decision for your team and customers requires careful consideration. This brings us to the pivotal questions that every forward-thinking organization should ask when contemplating if adopting a SaaS implementation management solution will help them achieve their business goals.

Great software firms succeed and stay successful by always looking for ways to improve. If you’re wondering if your organization (and your customers) could benefit from a purpose-built SaaS implementation management solution, first ask yourself the following questions:

Question 1: What are your current pain points?

A general first question to ask, but understanding your organization’s pain points is the cornerstone of effective change. Are you grappling with disjointed communication during customer onboarding? Is your current software infrastructure hindering scalability? By pinpointing these challenges, you lay the groundwork for a targeted and effective solution.

Question 2: Do you have a set process in place to handle every implementation project type in your portfolio?

If project timelines and tasks are set by each individual implementation manager on your team and projects often kick off without a formalized plan in place, an implementation management solution could streamline and standardize this process. And help with quality control! 

Question 3: Is your team bogged down with endless back and forth and meetings just to check on the status of their projects?

Gaining visibility into the current state of any project within your portfolio shouldn’t be a cumbersome and time-consuming process. An implementation solution can help you avoid bottlenecks and delays by providing all key parties centralized access to real-time data and task- and project-level insights. A win win for both your implementation managers and your customers. 

Question 4: Do you need to track team bandwidth and improve resource management?

In today’s current economic environment, many teams are being tasked to do more with less. Managing your implementation projects in a purpose-built solution will help you track trends and gain insight into department and individual performance and bandwidth across your entire services organization to improve productivity and resource allocation.

Question 5: Are handoffs across internal teams and with external clients slowing your projects down - ultimately stalling business growth?

An implementation management solution will help prevent communication breakdowns and improve team alignment and cross-org collaboration with automated outreach, responses & alerts. Bonus: When you integrate an implementation solution with tools like Salesforce, Jira, and Hubspot, you can help ensure all of your internal teams remain up-to-date on project status without adding additional steps.

Are you currently evaluating if a SaaS implementation management solution is right for your team?

If your answer to the above questions was a resounding ‘yes,’ an implementation management solution could positively impact your implementation experience. 

By empowering your team with knowledge and strategic thinking, you’ll be better equipped to harness the transformative potential of SaaS Implementation and Customer Onboarding technology solutions, elevating your business to new heights of success. 

Fast-Track Your SaaS Implementation Experience

From mid-market SaaS to at-scale unicorns, the industry’s fastest-growing companies have utilized Baton’s implementation management solution to add efficiency and improve their customer experience. To learn more, download our free implementation guide or schedule a 1:1 call with a Baton implementation expert.

🚀 We’re thrilled to announce that Baton has joined forces with ClientSuccess!